Passionate and eager to see many souls come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ!

Janice Antoinette is a writer by calling and her main purpose is to encourage, inspire and bring many to come to the realization of the power and love of the Holy Spirit.

She is blessed with the ‘Seers Anointing’ which gives her supernatural insight, mainly through trances, prophetic dreams and visions, of which she shares with the world.

Her attention and focus is always on the Holy Spirit and her desire is that each one of her pieces will help rekindle love for God and give hope about the future as it increases abundant faith in Jesus Christ!

Be blessed as you enjoy my Holy Spirit journey and please bless others by sharing. 

Thank you.


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A life pervaded by an undeniable reverence & presence of the Holy Spirit best describes the life of Janice Antoinette Tackie-Yarboi.

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Prayer Request