Our Anchor

Hebrews 6:18-19
“So God has given both his
promise and his oath. These
two things are unchangeable
because it is impossible for
God to lie. Therefore, we who
have fled to him for refuge can
have great confidence as we
hold to the hope that lies before
us. This hope is a strong and
trustworthy anchor for our souls.
It leads us through the curtain into
God’s inner sanctuary.”
This piece came to me six weeks ago during church service and I wanted to make it as personal as possible. Today is exactly a year that I got married and during the time I received this word I began to understand why it was necessary to put this post up today. The idea for this entire blog and this piece in particular is not to showcase on social media about myself or my husband but to use every means possible to acknowledge the person behind our journey and our lives. I pray that as you read this piece, you will see Jesus and acknowledge His Holy Spirit to keep you going.
The Anchor! The Anchor ➡️Jesus Christ.
Now according to the Merriam Webster dictionary, an anchor is a “device made of metal, which is usually attached to a ship or boat by a cable and cast overboard to hold it in a particular place.” Wikipedia also defines an Anchor as a “device used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting due to wind or current.”
The Anchor is therefore always a part of the ship and is not detached from the ship or boat. It’s always let down when the ship needs to stop or to prevent it from being drifted away due to strong winds or current. The captain of the ship knows that the anchor is always on the ship and so doesn’t fear when there needs to be a stop. Now, the presence of storms or strong winds does not mean that the Anchor leaves the ship. The anchor doesn’t leave the ship. The anchor is usually smaller than the ship in terms of its size but it has the power to stop it.
Why do I say Jesus is The Anchor? Jesus (Holy Spirit) is with us all the time; our Anchor and our Rock. When the storms come, He’s with us. He never left. The reason we get scared is because we fail to remember that the Anchor still remains in the ship and can be used to stop the ship when the need arises.
Psalms 112:7
“They do not fear bad news;
they confidently trust
the Lord to care for
them.” – NLT
Our problems might look bigger than Jesus but then we should know and remember that He carries all the power and authority in this world.
Now our captain the Holy Spirit, who is helping us with our navigation here on earth, knows exactly where we are going and so is not worried or perturbed about the storms because of who He is. The Holy Spirit will therefore reveal Jesus Christ to you in every storm that you seem to find yourself in (John 16:12-15). Sometimes the presence of the storm is so that you can see Jesus as the only Anchor in your life
Proverbs 23:18
“There is surely
a future hope for you,
and your hope
will not be cut off.”
– NIV.
And the Holy Spirit is there to help you.
In the Bible when the disciples were travelling with Jesus in the boat and the storm came, they got terrified and woke Jesus up. They forgot about who they had with them in the boat and so fear took over them. But immediately they called on Him (came to the realisation that he was with them on the boat), He calmed the storm (Mark 4:35-41). So when it’s time to put a stop to what the enemy is doing He comes in at the right time.
Why am I sharing this? God promised to be with us and to never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). The bible says “yea though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death He is with us” (Psalms 23:4). Which means that the storms and strong winds will come but He HAS NOT LEFT. You have only become more aware of the storm rather than the person who is with you that is why we begin to worry and harbour fear in our hearts.
Isaiah 26:3
“You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you, all whose
thoughts are fixed on you!”
This journey has had times when we took our eyes off Him (Jesus) and began to worry and fear but one thing the Holy Spirit kept drawing our attention to was the fact that He was there. HE NEVER LEFT. Our Anchor (Jesus Christ) in our ship never left and will not leave. What do you do then? Worship through your warship and just remember the anchor never leaves (1 Peter 5:7).
I pray that anyone who reads this will be blessed and come to the realisation that the Holy Spirit is our navigator and revealor of Jesus Christ during those tough times on the ship. He wants you to see Jesus through the storm and acknowledge that He’s taking you through safely! Jesus is never late! When it’s time to let the Anchor down to stop the ship, He will do so (Jeremiah 29:11)!
We love you and we pray that whatever you are believing God for will be made manifest in your life this very day. May your hope and trust in Jesus Christ be renewed as you come to know Him more and more. May every storm be calmed down as you dedicate yourself to worshipping and depending on Him (Psalms 25:5)
…Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Image: Istock
Amen. God bless You for this seasonal and timely word.
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Amen! God bless you