Our Burden – His exchange

Matthew 11:28-29
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you
who are weary and carry heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest. Take my yoke
upon you. Let me teach you, because
I am humble and gentle at heart, and
you will find rest for your souls.
Have you ever imagined a time when you felt that a heavy burden had been lifted off you when you finished a daunting task? Or how have you felt when you have successfully finished a very long interview for a position at work? What about when you have finished all your tasks for the day, how do you feel??? There’s nothing like feeling accomplished or finishing a race that you have been at for a very long time. More so, coming out of a battle which seemed so endless. But as Children of God we need not feel such heavy burdens or daunting tasks. That’s the amazing part!
First of all, let me assure you all that Jesus meant it when He said He had taken away all our sins. He came to this earth to exchange our burdens with His everlasting peace. But one would ask, how can this heavy burden be taken off because I have had it for so long? Simple, just come to him in worship or prayer/petitions.
1 Peter 5:7
“Give all your worries and cares to
God, for he cares about you”
Immediately you do that, there’s an exchange that happens, you are overtaken by His overwhelming peace and Jesus carries your burdens.
Philippians 4:6-7
“Don’t worry about anything; instead,
pray about everything. Tell God what
you need, and thank him for all he
has done. Then you will experience
God’s peace, which exceeds anything
we can understand. His peace will
guard your hearts and minds as you
live in Christ Jesus”
Now that sounds easy! You cannot walk this earth and carry burdens when the peace of God is a free gift for us all. Why wallow in pain and misery when He can give you exceedingly great joy! Now, the enemy knows how great it is to have Gods peace in every situation or decision you find yourself in. So, he will work at stopping you from giving over your burdens in exchange for His peace. He will drop thoughts of defeat and hopelessness in you so you feel inadequate to come to your father.
However, with the knowledge that His peace is a free gift and an entitlement to you as a child of God, release those burdens and set yourself free from the bondage of the enemy. The key is to release your burdens before Him then you receive the peace. The Holy Spirit is ever ready for that exchange any day, it is only up to you to speak it then you receive it. If you feel burdened or broken in any way, then kindly say this prayer after me:
Dear Holy Spirit, I thank you that you live inside of me and take charge of everything that goes on in my life. This day, I ask that you free me of every burden that is drawing me away from you and fill me with the everlasting peace which you have made available to all men. I refuse to allow the enemy to keep me in my bondage and pain but rather I come to you so that I may enjoy that peace which you continually bestow upon us in Jesus name I have prayed Amen!!
…Inspired by the Holy Spirit! 😁
Image: Stewart