The wakeup call

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Janice Antoinette

This blog is geared towards inspiring many to come to the realisation of the tangibility of the Holy Spirit.

(6) Comments
  1. Avatar Gertrude Mansa Habada says:

    Amazing. Dear Lord, please show us mercy. Help us to truly discover and fulfil your purpose for our lives. Help us also to focus on what you have called us to in the way we ought to do it.

  2. Avatar rev john yaw buabeng says:

    It’s time to give full attention and ourselves wholly to the Kingdom business.

  3. Avatar takyiwatells says:

    Reblogged this on takyiwatells.

  4. Avatar Jennifer Buabeng says:

    Awake up call, so timely and very well noted. The Alertness is appreciated.

  5. Avatar Jacqueline says:

    Hmmmmm mmmmm this is all I say. It’s really true. Watching a video of two small boys having sex made it clear to me. We need mercy. God bless you sis

  6. Avatar naa koshie says:

    The spirit is indeed one. Yesterday I also woke up to hear the news of Minister Danny Nettey’s death and the terrorist attack in Nice. As I was reflecting on these events the Holy Spirit simply spoke these words: the end is at hand. Prepare. Bless you J.


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