Jesus is calling you…

We have many things that serve many purposes in our lives; things we cannot do without. An example is our water closet in our homes. We discharge or remove unwanted substances from our bodies into it yet we never throw the water closet away after we use it. Rather, we keep it clean and fresh for use all the time. And honestly without a place to get rid of unwanted things it will be difficult for us to survive. That is why our system has been set such that we retain the nutrients and bring out the waste that the body does not need.
In a vision, I saw myself in a very large and beautiful room but then I felt unworthy to be in that place. I saw an angel at the entrance and Jesus Christ standing there with His arms wide open. I wanted to run to him but as soon as I got closer I felt my tummy was beginning to toss and turn. More like I wanted to throw up. Immediately the angel showed me a huge golden vessel and asked me to throw up into it. I felt that it was inappropriate for me to throw up into it. But at that moment all I wanted to do was to get rid of what was inside of me. I run to the vessel and began to release what was upsetting me. As curious as I was, I decided to look into the vessel to see what I had brought out and to my surprise there was nothing in the vessel. I looked up to the angel but the angel said nothing. Then I turned around and walked up to Jesus with His arms still wide open. More like He had been standing there for sometime waiting for me to come over and release what was within me.
The golden vessel represents what Christ did for us on the Cross of Calvary. The vessel still remained clean because He meant it when He said He had taken all our iniquity away. The vessel is made from a precious stone because He put His precious life at stake so that we might enjoy that inheritance in Him. The vessel keeps no records of wrong or the dirt in your life because that is exactly what His precious blood does for us.
2 Corinthians 5:19
“For God was in Christ, reconciling
the world to himself, no longer counting
people’s sins against them. And he gave us
this wonderful message of reconciliation.”
But then we stand by this vessel each day of our lives and refuse to let go of many things hindering us from experiencing Him. Just like how we cannot live without the water closet so can we not live without Jesus. Likewise, we have stored up unwanted substances which we are refusing to let go off and this hinders us from going to Him (Jesus). The upset in my tummy was as a result of Jesus drawing my attention to the things drifting me away from Him. That was why I began to throw up and dispose off the unwanted substances in my tummy.
Sometimes life becomes too busy and we forget about Him (Jesus). I am a victim as much as you are. We forget Him, we neglect Him and we refuse to obey Him. It’s time to dispose off things and today he’s calling you to repent and let go of the things taking you away from him. God wants your full attention!!! I realized within me that I had lost that love and I had began to forget him in subtle ways. Someway somehow I had become ‘too busy’ for Him and I felt that I had betrayed Him in so many ways. When did it all start? How come I did not recognize it?
Then I asked the Holy Spirit. And he explained to me, saying, “Christian’s of today are serving me half heartedly! They want to please the world and please ME at the same time. But what they don’t realise is that the more they try to do both the more they lean towards pleasing the world.
Matthew 6:24
“No one can serve two masters.
For you will hate one and love
the other; you will be devoted
to one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and be
enslaved to money.”
Tell them I’m waiting and calling unto them because I need them. Tell them that whatever has been a hindrance to them serving me has been flushed out and they have been set free. Tell them I need followers who are willing to go all out for me. I am looking for people who won’t look back when carrying their cross; people who will be my true ambassadors and disciples.
2 Corinthians 5:20
“So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making
his appeal through us. We speak for Christ
when we plead, “Come back to God!”
I am looking for a generation that will be willing to take persecution and stand firm in ME.
People who will be willing to make ME known to all the nations.” He says he’s calling unto you to come to Him. He wants to help you get rid of anything that is blocking you from receiving and hearing from him. He’s looking for people who will be willing to die to their flesh and walk after the spirit. Christians who will not only proclaim of his goodness but those who will walk closely with Him. He’s looking to raise Christian’s with a heart and a passion for His kingdom. Those who will be in tune with His Precious Holy Spirit. People who will not be shy to speak of Him to others. He’s looking for people who will feed his flock with the TRUE UNDILUTED WORD.
Acts 20:28
“So guard yourselves and God’s people.
Feed and shepherd God’s flock—his church,
purchased with his own blood—over which
the Holy Spirit has appointed you as leaders.”
People who are not seeking after fame and affirmation from the world but a humble and willing generation ready to conform to His will.
Where in your journey do you stand? Are you considered a baby, growing or matured Christian? How many times are you consciously or unconsciously disobeying God? Do you hear Him when He is calling and reaching out to you? Have you turned a blind eye or deaf ear to Him?
Today Jesus is calling unto you! Yes you! The person in the office who doesn’t want anyone to know that he or she is a follower of Christ. The church leader who is looking for affirmation from his church members. The student who has failed to witness to his “unsaved” friends. The wife or husband who is struggling to keep the home. Churches that are failing to raise up Christ like disciples. He’s calling you so that He can rid you off things that are not allowing you to see and hear from Him. Don’t lose focus in these last days! The enemy has come up with schemes and plans to sway us from Jesus but today he’s calling unto you! He’s with you right now (in your room, office, lecture theatre, and in your home) and all he wants right now is for you to confess and let go of anything that stops u from seeing and hearing from him. He’s listening to you and he’s looking for repentant hearts and minds. Confess it to him and start a new chapter with Him today!
Let the words from the second and third verses of Israel Houghton’s song (Your Presence is Heaven) speak to your heart and cause a turnaround in your life. Let knowing and fellowshipping with Jesus be your deepest desire. Whenever you are weak or feel inadequate, allow the Holy Spirit to grant you strength to continue the race.
Isaiah 40:31
“But those who trust in the Lord
will find new strength. They will
soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.”
Know that this world cannot fill the void in your heart but Jesus can fill you up and satisfy that need. He holds your future and has great plans for you, so don’t let the mistakes of the past rid you of developing a great relationship with Him today.
However, if you do not know this man Jesus that I speak about, it’s not too late to know him. He loves you and needs you more than you can imagine, but He needs you to confess and invite Him into your life. That’s the first step to knowing him then after you have said this prayer, find a bible believing church near you so you can grow more in him.
Father Lord, I thank you for this day and for the love you have for me. Lord Jesus, I thank you for coming to the earth to die and save me. I thank you that you still love me despite all the wrongs I have done. Today, I confess that I am sinner and humbly come before you asking for forgiveness of sins. Please wash me clean of every iniquity and filth. I am asking that you come and stay in my heart and be King over my life. Come and take control over my life because I cannot do anything without you. Please write my name in the book of Life so that I may enter into your Holy Kingdom. Thank you for coming to stay in my heart. In Jesus’ name I have prayed. Amen!!!
Once you have said this prayer and believe in your heart that He has come to stay, He will then begin to do His Good works through and in you. God loves you very much and He needs you to extend that love to others as well.
…Inspired by the Holy Spirit
We thank the Lord for the constant prompting for us to stay focused and in touch with Him.
In Him is our safety and deliverance.
We pray that you would also stay in touch with the Saviour to be able to receive from Him and to bring us His mind and current picture of our state at all times.
Bless you.
bless you J. What would it profit us to gain the whole world and lose our souls. Indeed nothing in this world can satisfy, all we need is Him.