Nail Pierced

Hebrews 2:18
“Since he himself has gone through
suffering and testing, he is able to
help us when we are being tested.”
When a sharp object touches any part of your body, it inflicts some form of pain on the body which can sometimes leave a scar. Now for some reason, you are able to remember how you got that scar or wound very easily. You are even able to advise someone else who goes through a similar ordeal. This is because you picked up certain skills or ways of reducing the pain or healing the wound that you had. It takes time, but eventually the scar goes away and you start to forget the ordeal you went through. When I get burns, my mum will advise that I apply some Vaseline to the place immediately to prevent it from swelling up quickly. Although its application was painful, it helped to speed up the process of healing.
Nails were drilled through the hands of Jesus Christ in order for him to hang on the cross. That must have been one of the most excruciating pains any human being can endure. Yet he went through with it. He went through it so that we might have that freedom and liberty from our sin and oppression. The nail piercings served as a reminder of what He went through for each and everyone of us. That was his mark of accomplishment. And after Jesus went through that, he had a story to tell. There was a greater purpose for what He was going through and He refused to look at only the process but the end goal. Even during the process he was mocked, spat on and criticized but he still pressed on towards the goal (John 19:1-30/ Matthew 27:27-31/ Luke 23).
Now sometimes we go through certain things that leave a mark on us or scar us for life. Seasons and times that seem endless yet remind us of so many things that have caused hurt and pain. It might have been a bad break up that seemed like the whole world had come to an end. Or it might be that you have lost a loved one who is irreplaceable. But sometimes in all of this, God is asking you to look beyond the process and rather at the greater picture He has for you. People are mocking you, criticising you, laughing at you and even discouraging you. It’s painful and difficult and we all wish it could end already. But don’t give up!
Jesus went through the mockery, discouragement, pain and suffering in order for His grace to be made available to all. Through His death we can enjoy this grace freely and easily. We can come to Him boldly and obtain Mercy and Grace in time of need. Just as His word says in Hebrews 2:18, He can help us when we are also being tested because He (Jesus) has gone through suffering and testing. And it is in this test that His Glory will be seen.
Do not be discouraged because the latter glory shall be greater than the former (Haggai 2:9). I am a perfect example of His Goodness and glory because the Holy Spirit helped me through countless situations (I did not think I could go through) so that I can be a blessing to someone with my testimony. Sometimes you might want to give up or throw in the towel but when you are at that point, know that someone is waiting to be encouraged by your testimony. Always remember that the process you go through is to create those nail piercings for others to see and be encouraged.
Hebrews 4:14-16
“So then, since we have a great High Priest
who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God,
let us hold firmly to what we believe. This High
Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for
He faced all of the same testings we do, yet he
did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne
of our gracious God. There we will receive his
mercy, and we will find grace to help us when
we need it most.”
…Inspired by The HOLY SPIRIT
Image from: Pins Daddy
Very inspiring. Many should read this, people of our generation easily get discouraged and are unable to deal with it.
You are welcome dear! God bless you.
Continue to be a blessing!
Amen and amen I’m really blessed thank you for sharing such a wonderful message