
International Business Consultant then what??? I ask myself this question every time and wonder the ultimate purpose for that. Am I on the right path? Do I need to pursue further education? But the issue is, after this then what? I don’t seem to be satisfied with any answer I give myself so could it be that there is something more to this life that I have not yet discovered?? And if there is anything else, how do I find it? How will I be convinced? I know many young adults and the older generation still struggle with these similar questions.
I discovered the real reason for these questions through another revelation from the Holy Spirit. In this vision, there was an angel standing in the corner of the room holding 14 stone tablets that needed to be delivered, either to a group of people or a particular person. This angel stood tall and carried a commanding presence while standing steadfastly, waiting for instructions to execute a mission. During the course of the worship I literally felt someone opening the door to the room where the prayer and worship session was being held. That was Jesus. He opened the door and spoke to the angel, instructing him to give out the 14 stone tablets to the 14 persons present. As soon as the command was given, I saw the angel distributing the tablets of stone to the 14 of us.
Psalm 103:20
“Bless (affectionately, gratefully praise)
the Lord, you His angels, you mighty
ones who do His commandments,
hearkening to the voice of His word.”
The stone tablets handed to us represented OUR PURPOSE here on earth.
Ephesians 1:11
“In Him we also were made [God’s]
heritage (portion) and we obtained
an inheritance; for we had been
foreordained (chosen and appointed
beforehand) in accordance with His
purpose, Who works out everything
in agreement with the counsel and
design of His [own] will.”
The stone tablet had some words written on it, but the words were not in English or any language I had seen before. It was totally different. The Holy Spirit then explained to me that the words were written in a heavenly language, which cannot be understood with our own minds. But then the only way we could understand the words on the plaques is through the help of the HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is the one who can guide and counsel us in fulfilling our purposes here on earth. But the questions I asked were, WHY? WHAT? HOW?
It is our duty to accomplish God’s purpose here on earth before we enter into heaven to receive our crown of glory. God has predestined or prepared beforehand a purpose for everyone on this earth. It is therefore our duty to accomplish that purpose while here on earth.
I asked myself what is this purpose that I need to accomplish here on earth? The only way to know (as illustrated in the vision) is through the Holy Spirit. I have a purpose here to fulfill whether through teaching or healing. It is amazing to know that we all have different purposes or destinies but then we all need each other to help in accomplishing that task. As believers, we all need to dig deep and find out from God our purpose here on earth.
2 Corinthians 12:9
“But He said to me, My grace (My favor
and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough
for you [sufficient against any danger and
enables you to bear the trouble manfully];
for My strength and power are made perfect
(fulfilled and completed) and show themselves
most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I
will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses
and infirmities, that the strength and power of
Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a
tent over and dwell) upon me!
Ok I have found my purpose, now how do I go about it? Once a person identifies his or her purpose through the help of the Spirit, it does not end there. We still need the Holy Spirit to help us in fulfilling that purpose. And Jesus provides us with that Grace which we need to accomplish that purpose. When Jesus was leaving the earth He promised that He is not leaving us alone but then He will send us a comforter who will guide us into all truth. This same Holy Spirit is our teacher, Counselor, Helper and Comforter who will direct us, as we go through this journey.
…Back to the vision
After we were handed the stone tablets, I saw different angels following people here on earth. Some of the angels were carrying sacks behind their backs, others were holding just a sheet of paper and some of the angels were driving trucks full of raw materials.
Hebrews 1:14
“Are not the angels all ministering
spirits (servants) sent out in the
service [of God for the assistance]
of those who are to inherit salvation?”
What raw materials are you talking about? You ask. Well Jesus has handed us our God-given purposes but then we need certain raw materials to help us in fulfilling them. In some of the sacks there were bibles, books etc depending on the purpose you need to fulfill.
Therefore, we have no excuse not to fulfill our purpose here on earth because that GRACE has already been given to us to help us through the journey. Your duty is to avail yourself to the Holy Spirit so he can work through you to accomplish this purpose. Jesus is coming soon and He says most people have still not identified their purpose for which they were called to this earth. This earth is not our Home therefore we must identify what we were called to do here on earth in order to receive the crown of glory which awaits us.
Just as the words of the song “Fill me up” by Tasha Cobbs, be ready to be the sacrifice so that God can provide the fire / spirit who will work through you to accomplish His purpose here on earth.
I pray after reading this we will all strive with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT to identify, OUR ULTIMATE PURPOSE.
Say this prayer from the depths of your heart:
Lord Jesus, I thank you for my life and the many blessings you have showered me with (most importantly the gift of Life). Father I need you to be Lord over my life, Holy Spirit be my counselor and teacher as I identify my purpose and carry it out diligently. Thank you for being Lord over my life. In Jesus’ name I have prayed AMEN!!!
God Still loves you very much!!!
…Inspired by the Holy Spirit!
Image: Google
This is just the beginning of Greater Revelations to come.
More Grace to you Woman of God!
Is my niece becoming a preacher? If so, we thank God for any path he may choose for you.
Love you so much honey.
Thanks dear.
Great piece hey! Tnx for sharing