Conversations in the garden

Romans 5:11
“So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new
relationship with God because our Lord Jesus
Christ has made us friends of God.”
I always find the story of Adam and Eve fascinating because it opens my eyes to the fact that we can actually have a tangible and supernatural time with God if we desire to. From the story we can infer that God met them at a particular place and time of the day to have conversations with them.
Genesis 3:8
“When the cool evening breezes were blowing,
the man[a] and his wife heard the Lord God
walking about in the garden. So they hid
from the Lord God among the trees” – NLT
However, because of sin that relationship between God and man was cut short. This is why God sent his son Jesus Christ to come and restore and reconcile us to God.
Romans 5:10
“For since our friendship with God was
restored by the death of his Son while we
were still his enemies, we will certainly
be saved through the life of his Son”
And after his death, we returned to the same place with God: the garden of Eden (Romans 5:11).
Eden in this context is defined as a place where one meets God. Now a garden, can be referred to as:
- a piece of land, usually near a home, where flowers and other plants are grown.
- public places where flowers, trees, and other plants are grown for people to enjoy. (Cambridge online dictionary)
Gardens can be found near homes and require a lot of time and effort to nurture and grow the flowers or plants. It takes consistency and a lot of hard work to make a garden beautiful and this is what attracts others to it. In the garden, God met Adam and Eve at that place to have simple conversations with them and these conversations created a bond between them. And I’m very sure those conversations were the type God enjoyed very much and looked forward to.
So in meeting God in our garden of Eden, He is creating conversation with us to help nurture and grow us into the people He wants us to be; a well refined servant that He can use for His kingdom. The soil is made ready, the seeds are put in the soil, there’s constant watering (Holy Spirit) and sunlight (word of God) to help the seed to grow and mature. And in a matter of time, the flowers begin to blossom and look beautiful. These flowers become so attractive that it attracts others into the Kingdom of God.
After the nurturing and growth process, you get to attract people that you can also help build their garden. The nurturing can sometimes be difficult and unbearable but it is the only way you can grow and bring out fruits that will attract others to Him (God).
Have you created your Garden of Eden this year? Does God meet you at that place? How has your garden (through the nurturing and growth) attracted others to Jesus Christ in this year? #foodforthought #thinkaboutit
…Inspired by the Holy Spirit
- December 1, 2018

Janice Antoinette
This blog is geared towards inspiring many to come to the realisation of the tangibility of the Holy Spirit.
Deep insights
Thank you so much for this, I am truly blessed.
God bless you Lady Janice! Lovely parallel between growing our relationship with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and attracting others to the Kingdom by nurturing and developing our Garden of Eden (where we meet and fellowship with God and our Advocate- the Holy Spirit).